AirMatch 不工作


在 ArubaOS 下运行大约有一年时间,发现部分区域的 AP 信道利用率经常非常高,经过考虑把信道更改为 20MHz,更改后发现 AP 大部分都分配到相邻的信道。经过了一天的观测,AP没有按照预期在凌晨5点更改信道。


通过检查,发现show airmatch optimization没有最近几天的记录(当天日期03/25):

ArubaMM-01) [mm] #show airmatch optimization

Seq Time APs 5GHz Radios 2GHz Radios Type
----- ------------------- ----- ----------- ----------- ---------
#447 2020-03-06_05:00:42 77 77 77 Scheduled
#446 2020-03-05_05:00:33 77 77 77 Scheduled
#445 2020-03-04_05:00:26 77 77 77 Scheduled
#444 2020-03-03_05:00:22 77 77 77 Scheduled
#443 2020-03-02_05:00:15 77 77 77 Scheduled
#442 2020-03-01_05:00:12 77 77 77 Scheduled
#441 2020-02-29_05:00:06 77 77 77 Scheduled
#440 2020-02-28_05:00:58 77 77 77 Scheduled


ArubaMM-01) [mm] (AirMatch profile) #show airmatch profile

AirMatch profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
schedule Enabled
deploy-hour 5 AM
quality-threshold 8 percent


(ArubaMM-01) [mm] #airmatch runnow full
(ArubaMM-01) [mm] #show airmatch debug configs

Field Value
----- -----
Radar Event Period 5GHz 1440
Noise Event Period 5GHz 1440
Noise Event Period 2GHz 1440
Run Now 0 <---------------此数值一直为0
Deploy hour of day 5
Deploy mode 1
EIRP offset
TimeZone string CST-8
Is Active Server 1
Is RF Planning Auto 1
Quality Threshold 8
Solver Feas Deploy Threshold 25



经过尝试,最后发现通过对AirMatch Profile 进行关闭和开启,问题解决:

(ArubaMM-01) [mm] (config) #airmatch profile
(ArubaMM-01) ^[mm] (AirMatch profile) #no schedule
(ArubaMM-01) ^[mm] (AirMatch profile) #write me
(ArubaMM-01) [mm] (AirMatch profile) #show airmatch profile

AirMatch profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
schedule Disabled
deploy-hour 5 AM
quality-threshold 8 percent

(ArubaMM-01) [mm] (AirMatch profile) #schedule
(ArubaMM-01) ^[mm] (AirMatch profile) #write memory
(ArubaMM-01) [mm] (AirMatch profile) #show airmatch profile

AirMatch profile
Parameter Value
--------- -----
schedule Enabled
deploy-hour 5 AM
quality-threshold 8 percent

Warning: the computed solution may not be optimal because less than 24 hours have elapsed since there was a failover to this controller.
(ArubaMM-01) [mm] #show airmatch debug configs

Field Value
----- -----
Radar Event Period 5GHz 1440
Noise Event Period 5GHz 1440
Noise Event Period 2GHz 1440
Run Now 1 <-------计数为1,说明run now已经工作了
Deploy hour of day 5
Deploy mode 1
EIRP offset
TimeZone string CST-8
Is Active Server 1
Is RF Planning Auto 1
Quality Threshold 8
Solver Feas Deploy Threshold 25

ArubaMM-01) [mm] #show airmatch optimization

Seq Time APs 5GHz Radios 2GHz Radios Type
----- ------------------- ----- ----------- ----------- ---------
#448 2022-03-25_14:55:41 132 132 132 On-demand <-------------刚刚的Runnow已经成功运行了。
#447 2020-03-06_05:00:42 77 77 77 Scheduled
#446 2020-03-05_05:00:33 77 77 77 Scheduled

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. 我发现aruba有些功能自带BUG,当初用airgroup,mdns就是这个毛病,系统运行2-3天,mdns发现特别慢,需要关闭开启动作才可以恢复。

    1. 我这是1年多后才偶尔出现的问题,提供的是临时解决办法。

      1. 我们这边也发现投屏有时候慢或者搜不到,怎么解决呢

  2. 该问题依然存在 不能靠开关修复airmatch功能
