4月23日的决定可能为下一代Wi-Fi 6E设备打开1200MHz的新频段
美国联邦通信委员会宣布了Wi-Fi可能迈出的重要一步,计划于4月23日对开放6GHz频段供未经许可的Wi-Fi使用提案进行投票。这样做将为带有天线和芯片组的下一代Wi-Fi 6E设备释放超过1200MHz的额外带宽,这些设备可以利用额外的频谱。
Wi-Fi行业也表明了对该举措的大力支持。1月,Wi-Fi联盟宣布了新的Wi-Fi 6E名称,用于配备在6GHz频谱上运行的设备。Broadcom很快就采用了Wi-Fi 6E芯片组,用于接入点和移动电话等产品,并期望制造商将在未来几个月内迅速采取行动,将这些芯片用于新设备。
“The runaway success of Wi-Fi in the last couple decades represents the power of unlicensed spectrum, open standards and unfettered innovation. The FCC’s forward-looking action to allocate the largest block of mid-band spectrum for unlicensed use builds on its success in creating the Wi-Fi industry and promises to usher in the next era of unconstrained American innovation for the global markets. Through Chairman Pai’s leadership, together with hard work by the other Commissioners and FCC engineers, this order will enable consumers and businesses to collaborate and innovate at the rapid pace of emerging applications and the exponential growth of Wi-Fi connected devices.” – Keerti Melkote, president of the Intelligent Edge for Hewlett Packard Enterprise and founder of Aruba Networks