网络链路聚合,也称为链路聚合控制协议 (LACP),是一种将多个物理网络连接组合成单个逻辑连接以增加带宽并在网络故障的情况下提供冗余的方法。此过程涉及将两个或更多个网络链路捆绑到单个逻辑链路中,该单个逻辑链路表现为对与其连接的设备的单个连接。
在以下示例中,链路聚合被配置在Aruba 6405交换机和Aruba 7030移动控制器之间。

7030 Mobility Controller
----------< 显示LLDP邻居 >----------
(CX03-7030-3) [mynode] #show lldp neighbor
Capability codes: (R)Router, (B)Bridge, (A)Access Point, (P)Phone, (S)Station
(r)Repeater, (O)Other
LLDP Neighbor Information
Local Intf Chassis ID Capability Remote Intf Expiry (Secs) System Name
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------- -----------
GE0/0/1 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 B:R 1/3/1 110 Test-6405-1
GE0/0/2 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 B:R 1/3/2 110 Test-6405-1
GE0/0/3 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 B:R 1/3/3 110 Test-6405-1
----------< 显示接口配置 >----------
(CX03-7030-3) [mynode] #show running-config | begin 0/0/1
Building Configuration...
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
description "GE0/0/1"
trusted vlan 1-4094
no poe
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4094
lacp group 7 mode active
lldp transmit
lldp receive
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
description "GE0/0/2"
trusted vlan 1-4094
no poe
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4094
lacp group 7 mode active
lldp transmit
lldp receive
interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3
description "GE0/0/3"
trusted vlan 1-4094
no poe
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4094
lacp group 7 mode active
lldp transmit
lldp receive
(CX03-7030-3) [mynode] #show running-config | begin "port-channel 7"
Building Configuration...
interface port-channel 7
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-4094
----------< 验证接口状态为“Up Up” >----------
(CX03-7030-3) [mynode] #show interface port-channel 7
Port-Channel 7 is administratively up, Link is up, Line protocol is up
Hardware is Port-Channel, address is 00:0B:86:B5:5B:F7 (bia 00:0B:86:B5:5B:F7)
Description: Link Aggregate (LACP)
Spanning Tree is Forwarding
Switchport priority: 0
MTU: 1500 bytes
Member port(s):
GE 0/0/1, Admin is up, Link is up, Line protocol is up
GE 0/0/2, Admin is up, Link is up, Line protocol is up
GE 0/0/3, Admin is up, Link is up, Line protocol is up
----------< 显示LACP信息 >----------
(CX03-7030-3) [mynode] #show lacp summary
LACP Counter Table
Port PDUTx PDURx MrkTx MrkRx MrkRspTx MrkRspRx ErrPktRx Age Ena Dis
---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- --- --- ---
GE 0/0/1 3107 3103 0 0 0 0 0 1977s 2 1
GE 0/0/2 3110 3103 0 0 0 0 0 1966s 2 1
GE 0/0/3 3110 3103 0 0 0 0 0 1957s 2 1
LACP Neighbor Table
Port Flags Pri OperKey State Num Dev Id
---- ----- --- ------- ----- --- ------
GE 0/0/1 SA 1 0x39 0x3d 0x82 44:5B:ED:91:A5:00
GE 0/0/2 SA 1 0x39 0x3d 0x83 44:5B:ED:91:A5:00
GE 0/0/3 SA 1 0x39 0x3d 0x84 44:5B:ED:91:A5:00
LACP Internal Table
Port Flags Pri AdminKey OperKey State Num Status
---- ----- --- -------- ------- ----- --- ------
GE 0/0/1 SA 255 0x8 0x8 0x3d 0x2 up
GE 0/0/2 SA 255 0x8 0x8 0x3d 0x3 up
GE 0/0/3 SA 255 0x8 0x8 0x3d 0x4 up
6405 Switch
----------< 显示LLDP邻居 >-----------
Test-6405-1# show lldp neighbor-info
LLDP Neighbor Information
Total Neighbor Entries : 3
Total Neighbor Entries Deleted : 21
Total Neighbor Entries Dropped : 0
Total Neighbor Entries Aged-Out : 21
1/3/1 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 GE0/0/1 GE0/0/1 120 CX03-7030-3
1/3/2 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 GE0/0/2 GE0/0/2 120 CX03-7030-3
1/3/3 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 GE0/0/3 GE0/0/3 120 CX03-7030-3
----------< 显示接口配置 >----------
Test-6405-1# show running-config interface 1/3/1-1/3/3
interface 1/3/1
no shutdown
lag 57
interface 1/3/2
no shutdown
lag 57
interface 1/3/3
no shutdown
lag 57
----------< 验证接口状态为“Up Up” >----------
Test-6405-1# show interface brief | exclude down
Port Native Mode Type Enabled Status Reason Speed Description
VLAN (Mb/s)
1/3/1 1 access 1GbT yes up 1000 --
1/3/2 1 access 1GbT yes up 1000 --
1/3/3 1 access 1GbT yes up 1000 --
vlan1 -- -- yes up -- --
lag57 1 access -- yes up -- 3000 --
----------< 显示LACP信息 >----------
Test-6405-1# show lacp interfaces
State abbreviations :
A - Active P - Passive F - Aggregable I - Individual
S - Short-timeout L - Long-timeout N - InSync O - OutofSync
C - Collecting D - Distributing
X - State m/c expired E - Default neighbor state
Actor details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggr Port Port State System-ID System Aggr Forwarding
Name Id Pri Pri Key State
1/3/1 lag57 130 1 ALFNCD 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 65534 57 up
1/3/2 lag57 131 1 ALFNCD 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 65534 57 up
1/3/3 lag57 132 1 ALFNCD 44:5b:ed:91:a5:00 65534 57 up
Partner details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggr Port Port State System-ID System Aggr
Name Id Pri Pri Key
1/3/1 lag57 2 255 ALFNCD 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 32768 8
1/3/2 lag57 3 255 ALFNCD 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 32768 8
1/3/3 lag57 4 255 ALFNCD 00:0b:86:b5:5b:f7 32768 8
您好,6405 Switch上能看下lag57的配置吗?
lag57跟普通L2接口一样,对端allow 对应vlan就行。
interface lag 57
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 1
vlan trunk allowed all